Monday, April 25, 2011

Be Healthy: A Challenge for Women

There are many great days ahead that celebrate women and moms around the world. One of these special days is Mother's day. This mother's day will kick off the National Women's Health Week (NWHW). National Women's Health Week will run from May 8-14. During NWHW, women are encouraged to focus on themselves and their overall health. So many times as women, wives, and moms, we put everyone elses needs before our own needs. Remember, if we aren't healthy, we put others at risk of not being healthy. The theme this year for NWHW is "it's your time." Take this for what it's worth, the I would that this means it's our time to make ourselves a priority. Take time for yourself. Pamper yourself. Don't forget that a big part of NWHW is to be healthy which means eating right and getting enough physical activity into our daily lives.

Let us first consider exercise. It is suggested that we set a goal for ourselves to get in a certain amount of exercise each week at different levels of intensity. The recommendation I found said that women should get at least two hours and thirty minutes of moderate physical activity and one hour and fifteen minutes of vigorous physical activity in a given week. I am a person that uses the excuse, "I don't have a gym membership, so I can't go to the gym and work out." I tell myself this all the time. The truth is there is plenty of ways to exercise at home. Did you know that cleaning your house can be a form of exercise. It may not be a fast pace workout, but you will definitely sweat when putting in some elbow grease while scrubbing those floors. There are also all sorts of game consoles such as the Wii and Xbox. The Nintendo Wii has a great tool for exercise, the Wii Fit. The Wii fit is a board that picks up your motions and allows you to do a variety of different exercises. There is also more than one game that is compatible with the Wii fit board. Some great workout games that don't require the Wii fit board are Zumba for Wii, Just Dance, and Just Dance 2. Gold's Gym also has a couple of different games available for the Wii that look exciting. Another game console, Xbox has a new addition, Xbox Kinect. Xbox Kinect also has some exciting games available to get you and your family moving. While these games may run you between $25-$50 or so, think about how much your are saving. You would probably pay on average about $30 a month for a gym membership. Of course there are other forms of exercising that don't cost much. Try jump roping, bicycling, or running through your neighborhood. Your kids will also that you're outside with them. Also try boxing, or other high energy moves. Check out magazines and articles online for great suggestions on workouts at home.

Next on the list of things to do during health week is to take the challenge for women to go to the doctor and get a full physical including any screening that you may due to get. May 9 during National Women's Health Week has been deemed National Women's Check Up Day. Don't forget to schedule an appointment now for May 9 or anytime near that date if you are due for a physical or if you just haven't one in a while (as in over a year).

Another great thing that National Women's Health Week focuses on is that women and moms avoid risky behaviors. These behaviors include things such as not smoking or drinking especially during pregnancy. Other things to avoid might be getting too much sun. Make wise choices and consider those that your choices may affect other than yourself.

Lastly, it is recommended that during health week, pay attention to mental health. Things such as having a high stress level or not getting enough sleep may be the reason your aren't feeling like "supermom" every day of the week.

Join the 2011 Woman Challenge. The Woman Challenge is in connection with Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA). Do you remember running a mile in an allotted amount of time during P.E. in highschool, then getting a certificate if you completed certain physical tasks at a certain level. Well guess what, it's for adults too.

Don't forget to check out to get all the latest news on National Women's Health Week. Healthy living is a big part of being a healthy woman. Take this challenge for women and run with it. This website will also has a list of events for women in several different states. Check out this list and attend an event near you.

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